An amazing fact is that some snakes lay eggs and some don't, and Cleo the 2.5 meter Cape York Carpet Python is actually looking for a partner which is going to be difficult. Why? Well, it seems her species lives in the tropical climate of northern Oz. Cleo is possibly the laziest snake here at the Funky Farm but she loves human company too.
Measuring in at 1 meter, 7 year old crikey is not even a quarter of his size as yet. Salt water crocodiles can get to 7 meters long and they are not a reptile you want to mess with. Salts are so smart, quick and quiet so it's best you always keep your wits about when in there territory. Crikey has been at the Funky Farm for almost 2 years and is a must-see when you visit.
Also known as a goanna, Kevin is a lace monitor which are the second largest monitors in Australia growing to over 6 foot. There are about 30 different species of goannas, 25 of which are found here in Australia. Kevin loves to eat insects, small rodents and small eggs. Kevin has large claws and is always looking to get to higher ground when feeling threatened. However it's best to leave Kevin's family alone if you see them in your travels. He is currently living the life of luxury in our house and is not on display.