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Terms & Conditions


1.1 By receiving a ticket for The Funky Farm or by entering any part of the
Premises, You are deemed to have accepted these Terms and Conditions and have
understood them to be binding. It is your responsibility to read and inform yourself
as to these Terms and Conditions.
1.2 Management reserve the right to refuse entry or remove any person from the
Premises or any part of the Premises for failure to comply with any of these Terms
and Conditions.
1.3 Operational hours are subject to change without notice and may be reduced or
extended due to weather or operational requirements. In the event of such
closure or cancellation, the Operator shall attempt to reschedule bookings to an
alternative time, and, or date, but shall have no liability whatsoever, including no
liability for consequential losses or expenses, in respect to closure of part or all of
the Premises or cancellation of a tour or encounter.
1.4 You are responsible for your own personal property and the property of those
persons under your care or supervision whilst on the Premises.
1.5 Design and systems of The Funky Farm are protected by copyright and other
intellectual property rights. You must not infringe on those rights.

2.1 The number of persons per encounter or tour may vary.
2.2 There are no refunds or exchanges on any tickets. In the event of cancellation
due to planned or unplanned closure, tickets will be rescheduled to another time and, or date.
The Operator shall have no liability for consequential losses, damages or expenses
whatsoever, including no liability for travel or any out-of-pocket expenses.

2.3 In the event of cancellation by You, 7 days’ notice is required. After this time all tickets become invalid and cannot be redeemed for another date or time.

2.4 All tickets can only be rescheduled once, after this time the ticket will become invalid and cannot be redeemed for a tour or entry to The Funky Farm. The Operator shall have no liability for losses or expenses incurred whatsoever.
2.5 All General Admission Tickets are valid for redemption for 12 months from the date of purchase. All
tickets are nontransferable (your ticket/s will be canceled without refund if used by
anyone else), non-refundable and not redeemable for cash. No extension to validity
period is available.

2.6 General Admission Tickets are not valid for Special Events or Private Functions.
2.7 Gift vouchers are for a monetary value and do not expire or gain or lose value.
2.8 Tickets are available for purchase via The Funky Farm Facebook Page or website or
email. You must give your name on arrival to The Funky Farm.
2.9 Vouchers may be purchased from The Funky Farm or through The Funky Farm website.
2.10 Only persons holding valid tickets are allowed to enter the Premises.
2.11 Children aged under 2 years may enter for free when accompanied by a paying adult.
2.12 Tickets may not be resold without the prior written consent of the Operator. If
the Operator reasonably believes that a ticket has been resold without prior
consent, the holder may be refused entry without compensation.
2.13 All transactions are processed in Australian Dollars (AUD).
2.14 All ticket prices are subject to change without prior notification.
2.15 Discounted tickets may be available from time to time through selected
publications and websites. Discounts are not valid with any other offer and will be
subject to specific Terms and Conditions which will be available on request.

3.1 You must comply with these Terms and Conditions, all rules, directions and
safety requirements. Failure to do so may lead to you being removed from the
Premises without compensation.
3.2 You must obey all reasonable written and verbal instructions and warnings
given by the Operator and/or Management and/or Staff without objection.
3.3 You must not behave in a way that disrupts the safety or enjoyment of other
persons on any part of the Premises. Offensive, irresponsible or unsafe behaviour,
theft or vandalism, will not be tolerated.
3.4 Smoking or vaping is strictly prohibited on the Premises.
3.5 No person affected by, or who appears to Management to be affected by,
alcohol or drugs will be permitted entry or be permitted to remain on the Premises.
3.6 No alcoholic beverage of any nature may be taken onto or consumed on the Premises.
3.7 Pets are prohibited on the Premises. Assistance animals that are
certified by a registered authority are welcome but cannot access all areas for their
safety and that of our animals.
3.8 Appropriate clothing must be worn at all times on the Premises. Persons without
shirts or wearing offensive clothing will not be permitted entry
3.9 Appropriate footwear must be worn at all times on the Premises.
3.10 It is prohibited to bring on to the Premises and/ or take onto the Premises any
weapons or any other articles which may cause injury or cause distress or
discomfort to other persons.
3.11 You are admitted to the Premises subject to a condition that, if requested to do
so, You will allow your belongings and your person to be searched. The Operator
reserves the right to inspect, scan or search You and your bags at any time. Failure
to submit to a security check may cause the Operator to cancel your ticket or refuse You entry without compensation. 

3.12 Motor vehicles, motorbikes, skateboards, scooters, bicycles, rollerblades and
other equipment that may interfere with pedestrian traffic are not permitted within
the Premises.


4.1 Children aged 14 years and under must be supervised by a teacher, parent or
nominated guardian/ supervisor aged 18 years and above and shall remain under
their control and supervision at all times whilst on the premises.
4.2 If You bring children onto the Premises, You are responsible for the care,
conduct and supervision of those children at all times. You are responsible for any
acts committed by children whom You have brought onto the Premises.

5.1 Any videos, photographs or sound recordings taken by You whilst on the
Premises must be for personal use only. Any use, reuse or production for
commercial purposes, without the express written consent of the Operator is strictly
5.2 The Premises is under constant video surveillance.
5.3 Your image may be captured at any time and be used by the Operator in
publicity, promotional or advertising material in any format whatever, for advertising
or for security or other purposes, either within or outside of Victoria. By entering the
Premises, you consent to your image or likeness being recorded and used for these
purposes and You acknowledge that copyright in these materials rests with the
Operator, without identification of You, compensation or payment of any kind to You.
5.4 The use of mobile electronic equipment such as radios, music players and
personal stereos that may cause annoyance to other patrons is not permitted on
the Premises
5.5 Additional restrictions may apply to the use of large or professional types of video or photography equipment. Use of large tripods or freestanding lighting for photographic purposes is not permitted without consent from the Operator.

6.1 There are inherent risks in the participation of activities and interaction with animals at the Funky Farm. By entering the Premises, You are accepting those risks of which a prudent person is or should be aware and are required to exercise good judgement and act in a responsible manner.
6.2 Except as otherwise prohibited by law, You acknowledge that none of the
Operator, Management and Staff are liable to You for any loss, damage, injury or
any incidental, indirect, special, consequential or economic loss or damage
(including loss of opportunities, exemplary or punitive damages) whether to person
or to property arising out your attendance at the Premises and whether arising from
default, negligence, misconduct or otherwise by the Operator, Management or Staff
and You indemnify the Operator, Management and Staff against all claims and

• TICKET means a ticket purchased for a single admission to The Funky Farm
between the daily operational hours and are not valid for any Special Events. •
OPERATOR means The Funky Farm as the Operator of The Funky Farm and the
The Funky Farm Buildings.
• PREMISES means The Funky Farm buildings and wildlife park situated at 209
Coolart Road Hastings Vic 3915. • STAFF means the employees, agents or
contractors of the Operator. • TERMS AND CONDITIONS means these Terms and
Conditions. • YOU means the individual ticket holder or purchaser or a person
entering the Premises.
These Terms and Conditions are governed by and shall be construed in accordance
with the laws of Victoria, Australia. You irrevocably submit to the exclusive
jurisdiction of the courts of Victoria, Australia. To the extent that these Terms and
Conditions contravene the laws of Victoria, Australia and are not enforceable (or
parts or parts thereof), they shall be severable without invalidating the remaining
parts thereof. The Operator reserves the right to change these Terms and
Conditions at any time without notice. These Terms and Conditions were last
updated: November 2021.
• Published times of shows or activities may vary.
• The operation of some activities may be affected by adverse weather
conditions or maintenance activity.
• Children 14 years and under are not permitted to enter the attraction
unaccompanied and must be accompanied by a person 18 years of age or
• No alcohol or illegal drugs of any type shall be brought on to the premises.
• Due to quarantine requirements, no animals are permitted within the park,
with the exception of assistance dogs. Assistance dogs are not allowed in
some areas of the Premises and it is the owner’s responsibility to talk to Management and/or Staff in advance of attendance for guidance.
• No scooters, skateboards, bicycles, roller blades, skates or motorised
vehicles are allowed anywhere on the Premises.
• The Funky Farm is protected by copyright and other intellectual property
rights. You must not infringe those rights.
• Vehicles are parked at your own risk. The Company will not be responsible
for loss of, or damage to any vehicle, accessory, or contents in, or on any
• The Funky Farm is a smoke free environment. Smoking is permitted in the car
park Only and without exception. E- cigarettes and vaping is prohibited anywhere on the premises except for the carpark.
• Management and /or staff reserve the right to refuse entry or remove guests from the
premises for vandalism, stealing, offensive or violent behaviour, queue line
jumping, failure to properly supervise persons under your care, failure to
follow safety instructions or failure to comply with these Conditions of Entry.

Such actions may result in immediate eviction from the venue without a
refund. Additional action may include Police involvement and /or a venue
• The Company reserves the right to inspect your bags at any time for security
• Any photographs, videos or sound recordings taken by you must be for
personal use only. Any use, reuse or production for commercial purposes
without our express written consent is strictly prohibited.
• The Company reserves the right to photograph guests at any time for security
purposes or for use in connection with the promotional activities and general
commercial operations of the Company. You expressly agree to the use of
your image and likeness for these purposes without compensation.
• The use of image recording devices is not permitted in any change room or
bathroom facility.
• Please report any incidents to staff immediately.
• Tickets, vouchers and passes must be original, display an expiry date and be
presented prior to that date, Photo ID and matching signatures are required
on request. Fraudulent use will be referred to police.
• Guests may not display anything that contains obscene, foul, profane, illegal
or unacceptable language, photos, images, symbols, or phrases, etc. If your
clothing does not comply with these regulations, you will asked to amend.
• Please do not leave your bags or belongings unattended.

Ticket Issue, Delivery and Refund Policy
• E Tickets are non-refundable and cannot be transferred.
• Check promotions for redemption dates. Some promotions will not have a
one year validity.
• Discounts and promotions are not valid with any other promotions
• Prices are subject to change without notice. All prices in AUD and include
• Tickets can only be purchased through this website by using a major credit
card. Your credit card will be debited at the time of ordering.
• In the unlikely event that you believe any unauthorised use of your credit card
has occurred, please immediately notify us by email and contact your bank
• Handle your e-ticket as you would cash. Be cautious if someone offers to sell
you this document – it has no official resale value and may be an
unauthorised copy.
• Lost, damaged or stolen tickets cannot be replaced.
• Concession tickets are valid for pensioners, students and seniors upon
presentation of valid ID.
• Valid photo ID and credit card used for purchase may be required to validate
your purchase.

• A child ticket is valid for children aged between 3 and 16years of age. People
17 years old and above are classified as adults. Children aged between 0
and 2 years do not require an admission ticket.

• Adults are responsible for minors under their supervision.
• You must obey all responsible written and verbal instructions and warnings
given by The Funky Farm staff and volunteers
• You are responsible for your own personal property.
• The Funky Farm takes all responsible steps to provide you with safe and
enjoyable attraction experience. However, it will not be liable for any person
in respect of any loss of or damage to the personal property of, or the loss of
life or personal injury to, any person, whether that loss, damage or personal
injury is caused by any persons negligence (including the negligence of The
Funky Farm) or otherwise. This exclusion of liability does not apply to liability
that cannot by law be contracted out of, for example, because of the Trade
Practices Act.
• In these Conditions of Entry, “The Funky Farm” includes the owner and
operator of The Funky Farm and all The Funky Farm staff and volunteers.
• The Funky Farm gift cards do not have an expiry date.
• Gift cards are not transferable for cash and may not be resold.
• Monetary gift cards may be used to purchase admission tickets or any other
ticket product either online or at the Sanctuary. They cannot be used in the
gift shop.
• Ownership of a gift voucher does not automatically guarantee availability of
tours. The gift voucher holder is responsible for checking if a booking is
required for the experience they want. This can be done on the The Funky
Farm website or by phoning the admin team.
• If the purchase made with your gift card does not use the full amount on the
card, the remainder will stay on the card and can be used for another
purchase. If the amount is less than $3 or $5 it will be returned in cash.
• Bookings are required for tours.
This program includes activities around and about The Funky Farm, including but
not limited to: close physical contact with mammals, birds, non-venomous reptiles,
frogs, insects and other invertebrates; craft activities; preparation of animal food;
cleaning of enclosures; bush walking; tree planting and maintenance; field work;
animal observation; ponding and other activities related to the management of a
wildlife and the conservation park.
NOTE: Section 74 of the Trade Practices Act (“the Act”) implies a warranty of due
care and skill into contracts for the supply of services to consumers, as defined in

the Act. To the extent that the warranty applies to any contract relevant to the
Release and Waiver of Liability, it cannot be excluded.
1. The PARENT/GUARDIAN must disclose any pre-existing medical or other
condition that may affect the risk that either the CHILD/MINOR or any other person
will suffer injury, loss or damage.
2. The PARENT/GUARDIAN acknowledges that the PROPRIETOR relies on the
information provided by the PARENT/GUARDIAN, and the PARENT/GUARDIAN
states that all such information is accurate and complete.
3. The PARENT/GUARDIAN understands and acknowledges the dangers
associated with the consumption of alcohol or any mind altering substance before
or during the described activity, and the PARENT/GUARDIAN accepts full
responsibility for injury, loss or damage associated with the consumption of alcohol
or any other mind altering substance.
4. The PARENT/GUARDIAN agrees with the PROPRIETOR and has explained to
the CHILD/MINOR that they will obey and will comply with all rules and directions
made or given by the PROPRIETOR in connection with the described activity. If a
CHILD/MINOR fails to comply with the PROPRIETOR’S rules and/or directions, the
CHILD/MINOR will not be permitted to continue the described activity, and no
refund will be given.
5. The PARENT/GUARDIAN accepts all risks associated with the activity, including
the possibility of injury, death, loss or damage.
6. The PARENT/GUARDIAN agrees to indemnify the PROPRIETOR against all
claims made by any other person against the PROPRIETOR in respect of any
injury, loss or damage arising out of or in connection with the CHILD/MINOR’s
failure to comply with the PROPRIETOR’S rules and/or directions.
7. The PARENT/GUARDIAN agrees and acknowledges that, to the extent permitted
by law, the PROPRIETOR shall not be liable for any injury, loss or damage suffered
by the CHILD/MINOR or by any other person arising from or in connection with the
CHILD/MINOR’s participation in the activity, whether such injury, loss or damage
was caused directly or indirectly by the negligence of the negligence of the
PROPRIETOR or otherwise, or by the PROPRIETOR’S servants or agents. The
PARENT/GUARDIAN hereby releases the PROPRIETOR from all such claims, and
indemnifies the PROPRIETOR against all claims made by or on behalf of any other
8. To the extent permitted by law, the PARENT/GUARDIAN acknowledges and
agrees that all warranties, covenants and stipulation’s are hereby excluded.

9. All accidents, injuries, loss or damage must be reported by the CHILD/MINOR to
the PROPRIETOR before the CHILD/MINOR leaves the PROPRIETOR’S property.
10. If the CHILD/MINOR suffers any injury or illness, the PARENT/GUARDIAN
agrees that the PROPRIETOR may provide evacuation, first aid and medical
treatment at the PARENT/GUARDIAN’S expense, and the PARENT/GUARDIAN’S
acceptance of these terms and conditions constitutes the PARENT / GUARDIAN’S
consent to such evacuation, first aid and/or medical treatment.
Please note: The Funky Farm staff will not be responsible for the administration of
any medication. Medical information is required in case of an incident requiring first
aid or other medical attention. Should your child require medication during their
time at The Funky Farm, please ensure that your child is aware of the dosage and
how to administer appropriately.
Failure to disclose any medical conditions may result in your child being excluded
from activities up to and including being sent home. This is for their health and
safety while in our care.
The Funky Farm reserves the right to cancel or change times on any day due to
extreme weather, maintenance or any other situation of concern.
Refunds are not available for any cancellations. Alternate dates will be offered by
The Funky Farm where these are available.
The feed we provide to feed our birds or animals may contain traces of milk and
nuts and other potential allergens, all animal feeding is carried out at the own risk of the individual.
• All birds and animals can carry diseases which may be transmitted to people,
please ensure you wash your hands with soap and water or use sanitiser
after handling animals and before eating or drinking
• Some people are more at risk such as the young and elderly or people who
are or have recently been sick
• Pregnant woman should not feed birds
• Adults must supervise children

Please be aware of the following risks:
DEEP WATER: Deep water can be found within The Funky Farm. Swimming in or
drinking from these waterways is prohibited. Children must be appropriately
supervised at all times within The Funky Farm.
FALLING TREE LIMBS: The Funky Farm regularly inspects and manages our trees
to protect your health and safety. Despite this, trees may shed branches that may

land well beyond the tree canopy spread. When standing or sitting near trees we
ask that visitors be aware of the unpredictable way that branches may fall and land.
SNAKES: The Funky Farm is home to several species of snake. If you see a
snake: Do not approach the snake. Wait for the snake to move off the path.
Remember that snakes are protected species and an important part of our
bushland ecosystems. Please report sightings to a staff member.
IN AN EMERGENCY Please call Head Office during business hours on 1300
386 593

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Contact us


Phone: 1300 funkyf

Address: 209 Coolart Road Hastings

Trading Hours

Trading hours vary as we run via appointment only

Closed Mondays and Tuesdays

© 2019 by The Funky Farm. Proudly created with

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